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Categories: PV GAS News

PV GAS’ President & CEO encourages workers on site during holidays

On April 30, 2024,  Dr. Pham Van Phong, President & CEO of PV GAS, leading a delegation, had a meeting and shared encouragement with the workers directly involved in gas projects during the holidays of Vietnam’s Reunification Day on April 30th and International Labor Day on May 1st, 2024.


Dr. Pham Van Phong hosted the meeting


Realizing the role of Petrovietnam in general, and PV GAS in particular, in ensuring energy supply and electricity generation during the peak dry season of 2024, PV GAS has diligently implemented Directive No. 05/CT-TTg issued on February 14, 2024, by the Prime Minister. Regarding operations, PV GAS has proactively reviewed the technical conditions of the gas transportation, processing, and distribution infrastructure to ensure the reliability and readiness of the systems reaching over 99.9%. The Corporation has also proactively collaborated with EVN in supplying LNG for power generation since April 12, 2024. As of April 30, 2024, the total amount of LNG committed by PV GAS to supply to EVN reached approximately 160 million CBM, equivalent to about 850 million kWh of electricity produced from LNG. 

Working at Thi Vai LNG Terminal and Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant, on-site workers were highly appreciated by the President & CEO for consistently striving for the development of the Vietnamese gas industry. Coordination with functional units in the process of ship berthing/mooring, cargo import/export operations, gas supply, security, safety, environmental protection, etc., has been well implemented and maintained smoothly.


PV GAS’ leaders motivate on-site workers


Additionally, Dr. Pham Van Phong emphasized to the Corporation’s divisions and units in charge to focus intensively on production and safety; actively cooperate with upstream partners, mine owners, and operating units to support/minimize gas supply interruptions during the dry season - May and June - when the gas consumption of the power system reaches its peak.

«October 2024»


Address: Floor 12-15, PV GAS TOWER, No. 673 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Phuoc Kien Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone: +84.28. 3781 6777 Fax: +84.28. 3781 5666 Email: pvgas@pvgas.com.vn

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