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Trade Union Congress of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation was sucessfully held

PV Gas Trade Union Congress is an important, large-scale and regular conference of PV Gas Trade Union, held in accordance with principles, rules and protocol, in order to discuss and make decisions on important issues. The Congress is also the democratic political activity for Trade Union officers and members to review, discuss and evaluate their trade union activities at all levels in the last tenure, from which, determining orientations and tasks for the next tenure. Also the Congress unifies the will and actions, ensuring good performance of tasks set by the Congress.

The number of official delegates invited to this Congress was 206 people, including 20 ex-officio delegates and 20 appointed delegates. The delegates were outstanding representatives of more than 3,000 trade union members in PetroVietnam Gas JSC.                   
At this Congress, PV Gas Trade Union has discussed and adopted reports of the Executive Committee; determining orientations and tasks of the Trade Union in the next tenure; involved in preparing official documents of the Trade Union Congress at higher levels; electing the new Executive Committee of Trade Union with 21 members and electing delegates to attend PetroVietnam Trade Union Congress.
According to the Congress’ evaluations, in the last tenure, PV Gas Trade Union excellently fulfilled its tasks. Besides strong guidance, instructions of PV Gas leaders, efforts of trade union officers, members and workers contributed to the overall success of PV Gas. In the period of 2008 - 2012, PV Gas earned remarkable results in production, business with achievements equal to or exceeding target norms, higher achivements in subsequent year than those of previous year. In general, over the past 5 years (2008 - 2012), PV Gas recorded strong and impressive growth; always fulfilling or surpassing key targets assigned by the Group; employee income became stable and tended to be increased annually; employee’s material and spiritual life was improved, making great contribution to stabilization of the national energy security. The majority of trade union members of PV Gas have contributed to this sucess.                          
The Trade Union has become a deserved representative of PV Gas personnel, actively participating in management, organization and launching emulation movements of skilled labor, contributing to fulfillment of political tasks, building PV Gas with stability and development. Intensive tasks were built on plans and implemented with high results. The tasks of labor protection, safety and hygiene assurance, fire and explosion prevention were strictly and creatively carried out. The Trade Union implemented many programs to take care of workers’ material and spiritual life, building a united community; strengthening propaganda and education tasks, introducing elite union members to the Party; actively consolidating and building a strong trade union. Financial work and inspection of the trade union tasks were implemented more and more in compliance with regulations. Dosmetic arts, children care, social welfare work ...were strong active points, creating practical effects, becoming typical examples for the whole industry.
Determining targets and requirements of the Congress in the new Tenure is an important content not only in the Congress but also for the whole tenure. Therefore, this Trade Union Congress has determined to closely follow the political, economic and social situations of the country, Resolutions of the Party Congresses at all levels, Resolutions of the Trade Unions at superior levels; requirements for renovation of organizations and activities of trade unions at each level; and simultaneously basing on results achieved and shortcomings in implementation of resolutions in the past tenure, specific characteristics of each sector, localities and units to identify the objectives and requirements of the Congress closely to reality, set orientations of tasks, solutions and norms to strive for in the next tenure; selecting, electing capable, enthusiatic, qualified officers to the Executive Committee of Trade Union for organizing successful implementation of the Congress resolutions.

The new Executive Committee of PV Gas Trade Union was introduced at the Congress, with promise that in the second tenure (2012 - 2017), PV Gas Trade Union will implement the following goals:


- Building a more stable and stronger trade union with great unity and an absolute confidence in the leadership of the Party, PetroVietnam Oil and Gas Group and PetroVietnam Gas Corporation.

- Raising workers’ awareness, causing the petroleum culture to get more and more penetrated into PV GAS workers, who are dynamic and creative, thinking differently, being a man of action, daring to bear responsibility, complying with rules and discipline, having love for colleagues and class.

- Ensuring stability and constant improvement of workers’ material and spiritual life, building healthy and happy families within PV GAS family.

At the Congress, PV Gas Trade Union was honored to receive merit certificates from PVN Trade Union for exemplary individuals and collectives, who made significant contributions to movements of Vietnam Trade Union. The Congress received congratulatory remarks from Mr. Ha Duy Dinh – a Member of the Standing Committee of Party Committee of PVN, Chairman of PVN Trade Union, Mr. Do Khang Ninh - Secretary of the Party Committee, President and CEO of PV Gas with high appreciation for PV Gas Trade Union and workers’ roles and their contributions to the general cause, directing and providing some orientations for the Trade Union development in the coming time.
The second Trade Union Congress of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation (PV Gas) (tenure of 2012 - 2017) will be an opportunity to enhance awareness of trade union members and the employees towards the roles, functions and duties of the Trade Union. With the motto of the Congress "democracy, solidarity, innovation, practicality", Trade Union Congress of PetroVietnam Gas Corporation was a success, deserving practical expectations from the entire Corporation.


«October 2024»


Address: Floor 12-15, PV GAS TOWER, No. 673 Nguyen Huu Tho Street, Phuoc Kien Commune, Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City.
Phone: +84.28. 3781 6777 Fax: +84.28. 3781 5666 Email: pvgas@pvgas.com.vn

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