PV GAS launches emulation movement for 2021
With the spirit of "Solidarity - Innovation - Professionalism - Action", determination of fulfilling tasks, targets and plans of 2021 and implementation of Corporate Culture, PV GAS Trade Union Executive Board, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and Veterans Association have launched emulation movement for 2021 with main contents as below:
Extensively communicating on Petrovietnam Culture, continuing to promote PV GAS cultural practice with practical action programs towards goals of improving quality, progress, safety and efficiency in working; and changing working style and manner to build a united, civilized, professional employee collective with high determination and well completed all assigned tasks.

Operating gas works safely and effectively; ensuring security and safety for all Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS)’s activities
Emulating to exceed all targets of 2021 plan. Supplying maximum gas and gas products to customers; developing market, increasing market shares ... to ensure efficient production and business.
Putting projects/series of projects into operation on schedule to promote efficiency in investment. Trying the best to complete Thi Vai - Phu My gas pipeline in 2021, and LNG warehouse project with the capacity of 1 million tons in the second Quarter of 2022.
Effectively managing contracts of gas sale and transportation for existing sources and new fields. Studying, seeking and developing new domestic and foreign gas sources; and participating in upstream investment when opportunities arise.
Completing and carrying out master projects on development of LNG trade- distribution- import infrastructure. Preparing consumer market and implementing a plan to supply LNG early.
Completing internal regulation system in accordance with the State's regulations, and the Group and the Corporation's actual situation. Reviewing, gradually digitizing, and streamlining the management system. Improving governance.
Carrying out restructuring; Arranging personnel effectively, and matching with the Corporation’s production and business to continuously improve productivity, quality and efficiency of work.
Effectively continuing measures to prevent, fight and respond to the impacts caused by Covid-19 epidemic. Enhancing optimization of production and business processes, promoting innovative initiatives, reducing costs, and improving efficiency in production and business.
Improving quality and effectiveness of the internal control system, check, supervision and evaluation of efficient for projects and enterprises with the Corporation's capital contribution; Increasing control of cash flow, efficient use of capital, and debt collection.