PV GAS successfully organized the 2020 Employee Conference: "Solidarity - Innovation - Professionalism - Action"
Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation (PV GAS) on December 18 organised the 2020 Employee Conference with the attendances of more than 260 delegates representing more than 3,000 employees in the entire corporation.
At the conference, reporting production and trades in 2020, Mr. Duong Manh Son - Secretary of Party Committee and General Director of PV GAS- said: 2020 was a particularly difficult year when PV GAS as well as enterprises carried out the plans of production and trades in the context of Covid-19 epidemic which has prolonged and spread to most countries and regions in the world, adversely affecting the global economy. Domestic production and consumption of products and services have been stagnant; fuel demand has decreased, especially PV GAS' gas products for electricity and industrial production have decreased significantly; a number of large projects have had a strict schedule and complicated progress, the implementation process has faced many problems which have had to be resolved, especially the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic; ...

Despite facing many disadvantages, with the motto of "Solidarity - Innovation - Professionalism - Action", PV GAS' Board of Directors and all employees were always united and innovative in thinking, and professional in action; took advantages of opportunities, and drastically and synchronously carried out many effective solutions. With the active support from all levels, Petrovietnam, the units inside and outside the industry, ... PV GAS has successfully carried out the tasks and achieved the goals. PV GAS ' systems of gas works have operated safely and efficiently, and supplied gas / products continuously; 8,866.8 million cubic metres of dry gas was provided; 1,908.9 thousand tons of LPG was produced and traded, completing three months ahead of the schedule; 58.2 thousand tons of condensate was produced and supplied, exceeding the plan by 6 per cent. PV GAS continues to sustainably provide gas to produce nearly 20 per cent of electricity output and 70 per cent of protein, meeting more than 62 per cent of the national LPG market shares.
The financial goals were completed and exceeded the annual plan from 0-48 per cent (the revenue of 66,181.9 billion, the profit before tax of 9,905.3 billion, post-tax profit of 7,882.7 billion), especially the ones of profits and the contribution to state’s budget completed two to three months ahead of the plan, significantly contributing to the State budget and Petrovietnam (VND 4,430.5 billion), being the top of the companies with the good financial indicators in Petrovietnam (post-tax profit / equity ratio achieving 16 per cent, 41 per cent for the ratio of post-tax/ chartered capital, and 23 per cent for liabilities / total assets ratio).
In 2020 especially PV GAS successfully organized the Corporation’s 10th Congress of the Party Committee for the 2020 – 2025 period; celebrated its 30th anniversary of the establishment (September 20, 1990 - September 20, 2020); named in Forbes’ top 50 best listed Vietnamese companies for the eighth consecutive year; ranked the seventh spot in Profit500 Ranking in 2020 voted by Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company and VietnamNet Newspaper; and one of the 124 enterprises with products achieving the national brand in 2020 selected by the Ministry of Industry and Trade; ...
Speaking at the Conference, comrade Le Manh Hung praised and highly appreciated the achievements of PV GAS in 2020, continuing to maintain the role of the flagship and pillar of the whole Group in one year with challenges and difficulties. Acknowledging that PV GAS 'workload in 2021 as well as in the coming period is so large and to continue maintaining the current growth momentum as a leading unit in Petrovietnam, comrade Le Manh Hung expects all PV GAS’ leaders and employees to continue making efforts, promoting bravery, dynamism, creativity, solidarity, and to strive to emulate to excellently complete tasks and plans of 2021.
The Conference also approved the report on the use of PV GAS’ Bonus and Welfare Fund in 2020 and the plan of 2021; and the results of the 4th periodical dialogue in 2020 of PV GAS. It also received and answered the units’ suggestions.
The conference praised, honored, and commended eight outstanding and excellent units of PV GAS which were commended in the patriotic emulation movement in the 2015 – 2019 period of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group; and rewarded the Corporation’s 19 outstanding individuals in 2020. The Vietnam Oil and Gas Union also awarded Emulation Flags to two collectives and certificates of merit to six collectives and 41 individuals who had excellent achievements in the emulation movement of good labor and the construction of a strong Trade Union in 2020.
At the conference, the Party Committee, Authority, Trade Union, Youth Union, and Veterans Association of PV GAS represented the Board of Directors and all PV GAS’ employees to show their unanimity and determination to complete the tasks and targets of 2021 plans and carry out Corporate Culture with the motto of "Solidarity - Innovation - Professionalism - Action".