Once Upon a Time...


Steel Pipes
Steel Pipes

Steel Pipes

Steel Pipes

Steel Pipes

PV Pipe shall supply pipes according to Customer Requirement which is based on the optimal production process. Our quality is guaranteed by following exact manufacturing and quality control procedures...
Steel pipe services
Steel pipe services

Steel pipe services

Steel pipe services

Steel pipe services

PVPIPE offers steel plate with a wide range of product specifications from plain carbon steel grades to high strenth grades that comply with the requirement of API, DNV, ASTM… or any other...
Dry gas
Dry gas

Dry gas

Dry gas

Dry gas

Dry gas is a natural gas or associated gas which has been treated to remove mechanical impurities, water, bupro and condensate in the gas processing plant. Its main composition is methane (CH4).
Gas transportation and distribution
Gas transportation and distribution

Gas transportation and distribution

Gas transportation and distribution

Gas transportation and distribution

Gas is gathered from fields and transported to the Central Compression Platform (CCP) and is then compressed with high pressure to be conveyed through submarine pipelines to a landfall station in Long...
Maintenance and repair services for gas facility equipments
Maintenance and repair services for gas facility equipments

Maintenance and repair services for gas...

Maintenance and repair services for gas facility equipments

Maintenance and repair services for gas facility equipments

Maintenance and repair services for gas facility equipments are one of the important tasks undertaken by PV Gas for the benefit of the gas industry, the state budget savings and for preserving and...
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) is a group of hydrocarbon gases, primarily propane, normal butane, and isobutane, derived from crude oil refining or natural gas processing. These gases may be marketed...
Coating Service
Coating Service

Coating Service

Coating Service

Coating Service

Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) is an excellent anti-corrosion coating for oil and gas pipelines because its strong adhesion to steel brings about superior long term corrosion resistance and protection of...




Condensate is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from associated gas fields or natural gas fields. The composition of condensate mainly consists of paraffin, including pentane and...
Converting engines to run on Gas
Converting engines to run on Gas

Converting engines to run on Gas

Converting engines to run on Gas

Converting engines to run on Gas

Compressed natural gas or CNG as a transportation fuel is natural gas under pressure which remains clean and cheaper than gasoline and oil. Under the current conditions in Vietnam, gasoline and...
Gas gathering
Gas gathering

Gas gathering

Gas gathering

Gas gathering

PV Gas conducts gas gathering on a national scale and is gradually involved in international gas gathering and purchasing projects through its affiliated companies and subsidiaries.
Gas importation
Gas importation

Gas importation

Gas importation

Gas importation

Given the fact that domestic gas demand has been increasing dramatically while gas supply is forecasted to be declining in the period of 2015-2020, Petro Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN) appointed...
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is a natural gas liquefied by cryogenic refrigeration at minus 162oC after removal of impurities. LNG composition is primarily methane.
Compressed Natural gas (CNG)
Compressed Natural gas (CNG)

Compressed Natural gas (CNG)

Compressed Natural gas (CNG)

Compressed Natural gas (CNG)

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) is a natural gas which of main composition is methane (CH4). It has been treated and compressed at high pressure (from 200-250 bar at ambient temperature) for advantage...
PV Gas LPG Cylinders (Joint Stock Company)
PV Gas LPG Cylinders (Joint Stock Company)

PV Gas LPG Cylinders (Joint Stock...

PV Gas LPG Cylinders (Joint Stock Company)

PV Gas LPG Cylinders (Joint Stock Company)

PV Gas Cylinder is assigned by Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN) and Petro Vietnam Gas Corporation (PV Gas) to produce, trade in gas cylinders with the brand of PetroVietnam. The major business...
Categories: Dịch vụ

Gas transportation and distribution

PV Gas’ pipelines systems currently include:

  1. Cuu Long gas transportation and distribution system

Gas is gathered from fields and transported to the Central Compression Platform (CCP) and is then compressed with high pressure to be conveyed through submarine pipelines to a landfall station in Long Hai. It is then transported further and processed at Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant (GPP). Dry gas (output) from GPP is transported through pipeline to Ba Ria and Phu My for delivery to gas consumers.

Phu My Gas Distribution Central (GDC), besides its primary function of receiving associated gas from Bach Ho gas system, also receives gas from Nam Con Son gas system for delivery to customers.

  1. Su Tu Vang - Rang Dong – Bach Ho - Long Hai – Dinh Co Gas Pipeline

Bach Ho - Long Hai - Dinh Co gas pipeline (116.5 km) was put into operation in 1995 to transport associated gas from the Center Compression Platform (CCP) at Bach Ho Field to Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant (GPP). The pipeline was designed with capacity of 6 million m3 of gas per day for the transportation of associated gas from oil fields.

Rang Dong – Bach Ho gas pipeline with 46.5 km length was put into operation in December, 2001 to transport associated gas from Block 15.2 to CCP.

Su Tu Vang - Rang Dong 16” Gas Pipeline with 43.5 km length, was put into operation in 2009 to transport associated gas from Block 15.1 to CCP.

  1. Dinh Co - Ba Ria - Phu My Gas Pipeline

Dinh Co - Ba Ria 16 " gas pipeline with 7.3 km length and Ba Ria - Phu My gas pipeline  with 21.5 km length have been used to transport dry gas from Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant (GPP) to Gas Distribution Stations for the delivery to gas consumers.

  1. Ba Ria and Phu My Gas Distribution Stations (GDS)

Constructed and put into operation together with Bach Ho - Dinh Co - Ba Ria - Phu My gas pipeline, Ba Ria and Phu My Gas Distribution Stations have been engaging in distributing gas to Ba Ria Power Plant and Cuu Long gas consumers in Phu My area.

  1. Dinh Co - Thi Vai liquid pipelines

Dinh Co - Thi Vai liquid pipelines, consisting of three 6" pipelines from Dinh Co to Thi Vai Terminal were put into operation in 1998 to transport liquid products including Bupro (Butane and Propane mixture) and Condensate from Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant to Thi Vai terminal for storage and then distributing to customers.

  1. Nam Con Son gas transportation and distribution system
  1. Nam Con Son Gas pipeline

Nam Con Son Gas pipeline came into operation in 2003 to transport natural gas from Blocks 06.1, 11.2 and 12W to Dinh Co Gas Processing Plant  (Nam Con Son Terminal) for processing. Dry gas from Nam Con Son Terminal is then transported in pipelines to Phu My Gas Distribution Center (GDC) for delivery to gas consumers.

The current maximum capacity of Nam Con Son gas system is 20 million m3 of gas per day.

  1. Phu My Gas Distribution center

Phu My Gas Distribution center is located on an area of ​​10 ha in Phu My, beside Phu My Gas Distribution Station of Cuu Long gas system. Not only to receive and distribute Nam Con Son gas to gas consumers, Phu My Gas Distribution center also regulates gas flow rate between Nam Con Son and Cuu Long Gas sources.

  1. Phu My - Nhon Trach - Hiep Phuoc Gas Pipeline

Phu My - Nhon Trach - Hiep Phuoc gas pipeline with total length of 71.1 km came into operation in 2008 to partially transport Nam Con Son gas to Nhon Trach (Dong Nai) and Hiep Phuoc (Ho Chi Minh) to supply gas for Power Plants and industrial zones along the pipeline routes, and at the same time to develop Ho Chi Minh gas market in the future, as well as to connect  Southeastern – Southwestern gas systems each to other.

  1. PM3 - Ca Mau gas transportation and distribution system

PM3 – Ca Mau gas transportation and distribution system was put into operation in 2007, with a 330 km pipeline and capacity of 2 billion m3 per year, consisting of a 300 km offshore pipeline to transport gas exploited from Blocks PM3 CAA & 46-Cai Nuoc, and a 30 km onshore pipeline to transport gas to Ca Mau Gas Distribution Center.

Ca Mau Gas Distribution engages in receiving gas from Block 46 Cai Nuoc and PM3 gas system to distribute to consumers such as Ca Mau 1, Ca Mau 2 Power Plants and Ca Mau fertilizer plant.

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© Bản quyền thuộc về TỔNG CÔNG TY KHÍ VIỆT NAM
Địa chỉ: Tầng 12, 12A, 14 và tầng 15, Tòa nhà PV GAS, số 673 đường Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, xã Phước Kiển, huyện Nhà Bè, TP.HCM.
Điện thoại: +84.28. 3781 6777 Fax: +84.28. 3781 5666 Email: pvgas@pvgas.com.vn
Người chịu trách nhiệm chính: Ông Phạm Văn Phong – Tổng Giám đốc
Giấy phép xuất bản số 131 GP/BC do cục Báo Chí- Bộ VHTT cấp ngày 10/04/2007

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